
Industriepark Konijnenboslaan 11 8470 Gistel

tel: 059/ 27 88 67
fax: 059/ 27 67 63

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


dinsdag - zaterdag:
9u - 12u  &  14u - 18u30
14u - 18u30

maandag gesloten

Onze Toonzaal


Konijnenboslaan 11

8470 Gistel

tel: 059/ 27 88 67

fax: 059/ 27 67 63

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Maandag gesloten

Di tot vr in de vm op afspraak

Di tot vr open van 14u00 tot 18u00

Za open van 9u tot 12u en 14u tot 18u

Zo nm open van 14u tot 18u